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Email is required.
Email must be valid.
Email must be valid.
Address is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip code is required.
Phone is required.
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In Honor Of In Memory Of
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YES! I want to join United Way’s mission to end poverty.

100% of your gift to United Way or its partner agencies goes back to the community!

Thanks to the generosity of our Board of Directors, no administrative fees are taken out of your gift to United Way or its partner agencies.

Your gift supporting United Way’s mission to help fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community gives you the option to join two UWVP membership groups.

I would like to join the following membership group:

United Way Women United (annual gift of $250 or more to UWVP) United Way Emerging Leaders (annual gift of $100 or more to UWVP for donors in their 20s and 30s)

Click here for details about UWVP membership groups and a list of our partner agencies.

Must be Valid Amount
Must be Valid Amount
{{designationItem.Name}} Remove Designation

Grand Total: {{calculatedTotalFormatted}}

Add Another Designation
Do not release my name to the agencies above Do not send me a Thank You letter Do not publically acknowledge

Payment Information

Easy Payroll Deduction Bill Me Credit Card Stock
Please choose a payment option
Number of times required
Must be a postive number

I authorize my employer to make deductions from my pay. (${{paycheckInstallments | number:2}}/paycheck)

Keep my kindness going! Please continue my donation until I make a change.

To update your payroll deduction pledge, please email

Quarterly Specific Date
Must select valid date
Date is required
One Time 12 monthly installments (${{monthlyInstallments | number:2}}/month) 4 quarterly installments (${{quarterlyInstallments | number:2}}/quarter)
Use address above for billing
First name is required.
Last name is required.
Email is required.
Email must be valid.
Address is required.
City is required.
State/Province is required.
Zip code is required.

A United Way of Virginia Peninsula representative will be contacting you to complete your Stock donation. If you have any questions call (757) 229-2222

Additional giving options:

To learn more about planned giving, please call (757) 229-2222, or visit:

If you would like to donate with cash or check, please see your coordinator for a paper pledge form and submit it along with your donation. Thank you!

When you give kindness, you get kindness! When you donate $150 or more, you receive the Kindness Card. Enjoy discounts year-round thanks to the kindness of local businesses.
Cancel {{isSubmitting ? 'Submitting' : 'Submit '}}

Goal: ${{coordinatorCampaign.Goal_Amount__c | number:0}}

Participation Goal: {{coordinatorCampaign.Goal_Amount_Donors__c | number:0}}

Participation Total: {{coordinatorCampaign.Total_of_Participants__c | number:0}}